About the Course

An Accent Coach in your Pocket

Taught by an American accent coach who has lived in and coached actors in the UK for almost a decade, this video course is designed to be like a digital book/online course/accent coach in your pocket all in one. With just over 3 hours of content, it has 59 (short and easily digestible) video segments that cover everything you need to know to find an authentic General American accent in your own voice, which you can watch and re-watch in your own time, at your own pace. Each topic has its own video so that you can easily reference and re-reference as needed. What sets this course apart are the "Pitfalls" videos, which cover the major mistakes Brits tend to make that can ruin an otherwise fluent American accent. Upon your first completion of the course, you also get a FREE 30-minute coaching session with me via Zoom. Watch the "About the Course" video below to learn more details and check out this website for the course curriculum, a sample lesson, information about me, pricing and testimonials. Click "register now" anywhere on this page when you're ready to enroll!
Watch Intro Video

About the Course

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Section 1 : Course Orientation

    • Welcome

    • What is the General American Accent?

    • Who this Course is for (and why work on General American?)

    • How the Course will Work

    • What You'll Need

    • A Final Note: Forget You're Learning an Accent

  • 2

    Section 2: Warming Up the Vocal Tract

    • What is the Vocal Tract (and why does it matter)?

    • Meet your Articulators: Theory

    • Meet your Articulators: Warm Up

  • 3

    Section 3.1: The Physicality of the Accent; Resonance

    • Resonance: What it's NOT

    • Resonance: A Feeling of Buzz

    • What are Buzz Points?

    • What is your Buzz Point?

    • The General American Buzz Point

    • Buzz Point Pitfalls 1: Resonance vs. Pitch

    • Buzz Point Pitfall 2: Nasality vs. Twang

    • Combining Buzz Point with Vocal Intention

    • Vocal Intention Pitfall: Pulling Back Vocally

    • Resonance Conclusion

  • 4

    Section 3.2: The Physicality of the Accent; Oral Posture

    • What is Oral Posture/Vocal Tract Posture? The Key to Consistency

    • The General American Oral Posture

    • Warm Up: Putting Buzz Point & Oral Posture Together

    • Practice with Text: Putting Oral Posture & Buzz Point Together

    • Oral Posture Pitfalls

    • Vocal Tract Physicality Conclusion

  • 5

    Section 3.3: The Physicality of the Accent; Body Language & Rhythm

    • Body Language Introduction

    • Body Warm Up

    • Vocal Intention: Direct

    • Final Thoughts on Physicality

  • 6

    Section 4: The Sound Shifts-- Consonants

    • Introduction to Sound Shifts

    • The R Rules

    • The R Sound

    • R Pitfalls for Brits

    • The L Sound

    • L Pitfalls for Brits

    • Medial T's in between Vowel Sounds

    • Medial T's before Nasal Sounds

    • Medial T Pitfalls for Brits

    • Final T's

    • Voiced & Unvoiced TH Sounds

    • ING Sounds

    • When to Drop the Yod before OO Sounds

    • The H Sound

    • Concluding the Consonants (and Next Steps)

  • 7

    Section 5: The Sound Shifts; Vowels

    • Vowels Introduction

    • The Kit List/ Lexical Sets

    • A Note about Gen Am Vowels

    • Moving Forward with the Kit List

    • TRAP/BATH Merger

    • TRAP Pitfalls for Brits


    • THOUGHT Pitfall for Brits

    • FOOT/GOOSE Split

    • STRUT: distinct from both FOOT and LOT

    • GOAT

    • R Colouring

    • Nasal Colouring

    • Sound Shifts Conclusion (and Next Steps)

    • Whole Course Conclusion (and final thoughts about accent work & character development)

  • 8


    • Text and Audio recording of "Comma gets a Cure"

    • General American Accent Breakdown

    • Consonant Practice Sentences: Audio Recording

    • KIT List/Lexical Sets Audio Recording

    • Vowel Practice Sentences: Audio Recording

Watch Intro Video

Watch this Free Sample Lesson


Christine Adam

Christine Adam is an American voice, accent and communication coach who has spent the last 8 years living and teaching in the UK. She has taught voice and accents in some of the UK's top drama schools, including ArtsEd, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, LAMDA and East 15. This is in addition to her private coaching practice where she works with actors and business professionals. She also hosts a podcast and a YouTube channel and is passionate about using online platforms to make voice, accent and communication training accessible. Find out more about Christine at www.voicewhatmatters.com.


Accent Improved Overnight!

Alistair Nwachukwu, Actor

Your digital General American Accent Course is amazing! It's really helped. I had to send a tape today and my agent commented that my General American accent has gotten better over night.

Invaluable lessons

Megan Placito, Actor

Christine’s American accent classes have been invaluable lessons for me. She has provided me with the tools to access this accent easily and seamlessly . Her approach to this accent isn’t about tricks or quick fixes but how to own this accent in your own voice in a way you will never forget! I now feel very confident and ready to perform the general American accent as a professional actor!

Confidence Boosting

Arybella Eddy

I joined Christine's accent coaching to really perfect my General American as this particular accent is super important to have nailed if you want to be a versatile Actress. I can’t believe the confidence Christine gave me. Not only with the safe space she created but also the fact that the accent was learnt deep inside my vocal posture so that I actually feel like its my voice doing this accent. The precision and clarity given in all her feedback has ensured that each sound I now make in General American is truthful to this accent. I couldn’t recommend Christine enough! Plus its always nice to have a giggle when learning something new:)

Two Mistakes People make when doing a General American Accent

Check out this video I made for my YouTube channel, which explains two common mistakes Brits make when trying to find a General American resonance. This video gives you a further sense of how we will work in this online video course.


Pricing includes one 30-minute Coaching session with me via Zoom upon your first completion of the course.

Book Now

And Find your General American accent