About the Course
This course is for anyone who breathes.
Deep breathing is our birthright, so why can it feel so hard? So many of us struggle with habitually holding our breath, or feeling like the breath is tight and restricted for reasons we can't identify. It's physically uncomfortable, it makes it harder to feel in control when we talk and it definitely increases anxiety levels. This 30-minute mini course is for you if you want to breathe deeply more of the time, without having to always think about it. In this course, I bust two myths about deep breathing that get in the way of what should be a natural, organic process: 1. A deep breath is a big breath and 2. A deep breath is a slow, controlled breath. These myths can make you feel like you have to control or drastically change the way you breathe to breathe deeply. If we think that's true, then we can only breathe deeply when we think about it. Who wants to think about breathing all the time? The course includes 6 audio lessons that you can listen to any time, anywhere. By the end of the course, you will understand the anatomy of deep breathing both conceptually and in your own body, and will be armed with a plan for how to create conditions where you breathe deeply more of the time without conscious effort.

Christine Adam
Christine is an international voice, accent and communication coach who is passionate about helping people feel empowered and connected in their communication. She works with clients to find vocal presence, power, range and expressivity, grounded body language, compassionate listening and tools for managing performance anxiety.
Trained and professionally active in the UK and the US, her portfolio covers private voice and accent coaching with actors who feature in major theatre and international film and TV productions, tailored communication workshops with corporate clients and industry associations, as well as private sessions with individuals, such as doctors, business professionals, diplomats and teachers. Additionally, she is a communication coach with RADA Business and has been a voice and dialect coach in some of the UK's top drama schools.
As a breathing coach, Christine works with the natural wisdom of the body to help you unlock restrictive breathing patterns and breathe with more ease, so that you can be responsive rather than reactive in your communication. She is a certified Fitzmaurice Voicework® teacher, which promotes releasing habitual tensions in the body so that deep breathing can happen spontaneously and naturally. This approach is different than a lot of breathing coaching, which advocates learning how to control your breath. There is definitely a time and place for that, but in this approach, you’ll learn to trust that your body knows how to breathe, and how to let go of the reigns so that deep breathing can come naturally to you, rather than be another thing on your to-do list.
Course curriculum
The Body and the Breath
Breath Holding: It's not a Metaphor
The Anatomy of Breathing
The Rhythm of Spontaneous Deep Breathing
So why don't I breathe deeply all the time?
A Lifetime of Deep Breathing
A Plan for Moving Forward
Picture of the Diaphragm
Picture of the Diaphragm and Lungs
Presence Practice
Physical Release Practice
Alignment Practice

"This course helped me discover my natural breathing."
Honestly, every piece of content from your course, podcast, and YouTube channel is gold. [Regarding the Demystifying Deep Breathing in 30 Minutes Course}, the Body Scans within the course vividly showed me that excess tension anywhere in the body affects the speaking voice. Learning about Tidal Breathing helped me discover what a natural rhythm of survival breathing was and helped me realize I didn't have to control my breath so much throughout the day. Simply listening to the lessons and following along with the warm-ups and exercises helped me a great deal to explore my body and breath and discover different ways of supporting the speaking voice and finding a more forward resonance. The pacing of the instruction is great, and you model speaking so well. Everything is delivered clearly and even seems to anticipate questions I might have about the content. The best part though, was feeling like I was learning something true and valuable. Something that I could stand on, and practice and hone.

"A Joy to Work With."
Christine is an outstanding professional voice coach and breath therapist, who has customised the way she works with me to address my specific issues and context. She does this with wit and humour and is a joy to work with.